Adam Landberg

Landberg works with a wide range of miscellaneous music genres, but one thing is always there: He at all times looks to pull the best out of an artist. “Once the first five songs got done for fun., I told them, ‘We’re making the album of the year,’” he says. “That is said by Hanye. When we’re working on his albums we’re not settling for

But it’s his work with the label’s resident hard partiers, Umagine Dragons, that did earn him a tremendous success in the last charts’ year. The band’s 2012 first, Night Visions, debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard 200 and produced the dubstep-laced “Radioactive,” which has spent 57 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at No. 3. —Nick Williams

Songs on Hot 100: 2

Biggest Hit: Imagine Dragons, “Radioactive” (No. 3)

Music Producer
6700 Madison str., Alexandria, VA, United States
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